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Not out yet--available as early as July

Persephone's Revolution

Pluto's Path to the End of Empire

$33.00 plus tax and shipping

It is a soft cover, 470 page book, that explores Pluto's orbit in relationship to our equatorial plane. Going through 4,000 years of history, sixteen 248-year cycles, this book reveals an important pattern. Not only showing that history repeats, but also a pattern of evolution, with a surprising twist of hope for the upcoming ten years of revolution and beyond.

Art by Arrington de Dionyso
Journey-work of the Stars

An Astrology Workbook

$19.95 plus tax and shipping

It is a soft cover, 150 page book, with exercises and charts and lots of information to get you started in learning astrology.

The Whirling Dance of Planets

A Pocket Manual for Interpreting Astrological Transits

$13.95 plus tax and shipping

The book is for anyone wanting a new take on transits. Learn how to time a transit, find out about void-of-course moons, octaves, harmonics. Know what stones to use for transits and a recommended book for each type of transit for inspiration and support.

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